Performance Tier :
Standard Storage : If cost is important than better to choose Standard. (HDD Type).
Premium Storage : If performance is important than better to choose Premium. (SSD Type).
Azure Storage Accounts Types :
General-Purpose v2 accounts : Basic storage account type for blobs, files, queues, and tables. Recommended for most scenarios using Azure Storage.
General-Purpose v1 accounts : Legacy account type for blobs, files, queues, and tables. Use general-purpose v2 accounts instead when possible.
BlockBlobStorage accounts : Blob-only storage accounts with premium performance characteristics. Recommended for scenarios with high transactions rates, using smaller objects, or requiring consistently low storage latency.
FileStorage accounts : Files-only storage accounts with premium performance characteristics. Recommended for enterprise or high performance scale applications.
BlobStorage accounts : Legacy Blob-only storage accounts. Use general-purpose v2 accounts instead when possible.
After we create storage account, we can see the following five data services:
BLOBS - Binary Large Objects - Noting but Regular files (Media, Video, Audio ,Hard Drive Files) Blobs specifically support unorganized data, MAX Blob Size - Up to 8TB
Blob Consist 3 sub types :
Page blobs
Block blobs
Append blobs
Page Blobs - 8TB (Support Large Files) Block Blobs - 4.7TB Append Blobs - Logging Purpose
Azure Disks - Allows data to be persistently stored and accessed from an attached virtual hard disk.
Example : You want to store data that is not required to be accessed from outside the virtual machine to which the disk is attached.
Azure Files - Offers fully managed cloud file shares that you can access from anywhere via the industry standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
You can mount Azure file shares from cloud or on-premises deployments of Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Azure Queues : Allows for asynchronous message queueing between application components.
Example : Messaging Applications like sending notifications etc, We can use this storage for those workloads.
Azure Tables : Allow you to store structured NoSQL data in the cloud.
You want to store flexible datasets like user data for web applications, address books, device information, or other types of metadata your service requires.
Replication :
Locally redundant storage (LRS) : A simple low-cost replication strategy. Data is replicated synchronously three times within a single physical location in the primary region. LRS provides at least 99.999999999% (11 nines) durability of objects over a given year.
Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) : Replication for scenarios requiring high availability. Data is replicated synchronously across 3 Azure availability zones in the primary region. ZRS offers durability for Azure Storage data objects of at least 99.999999999% (12 9's) over a given year.
Geo-redundant storage (GRS) : Cross-regional replication to protect against regional outages . Data is replicated synchronously three times with in single physical location in the primary region, then replicated asynchronously to a single physical location in the secondary region.
For read access to data in the secondary region, enable read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS).
Geo-zone-redundant storage (GZRS) :Replication for scenarios requiring both high availability and maximum durability. Data replicated synchronously across three Azure availability zones in the primary region, then replicated asynchronously to a single physical location in the secondary region.
For read access to data in the secondary region, enable read-access geo-zone-redundant storage (RA-GZRS).